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Being passionate about serving others
We believe that everyone has a unique role to play in fulfilling this mission, and our goal is to help you discover how God has called you to participate. Whether through opportunities to serve in the local community or through global mission trips, we are dedicated to providing avenues for you to put your faith into action and make a positive impact on the community and the world.
Our Missions Committee at Center Church of Welcome believe the Missions at our church as being the hands and feet of God. Center also has a long tradition of tithing to our mission budget (10% of annual budgeted expenses). Each year our church donates to over 25 agencies from our mission tithing. Below are examples of our giving and other mission minded projects.
Mission Trips
Over the years, Center Church sponsors our own building teams to reach out into other needy countries such as Jamaica to assist in renovations and additions to their church structures.
Supported Missions
Center Church also supports other non-profit agencies such as the Campus Crusade for Christ. Specifically within this organization, our own Dan and Shannon Maloy are sponsored for their gospel spreading work in South Carolina colleges. Read more about the Maloy Ministry.
Center Church also supports Dustin and Faith Minter that are part of Commission to Every Nation organization. They are working in Japan spreading the gospel in areas where it has never been heard. Read more about the Minter Ministry.

Local Missions
We have several local missions that support our local community.
Our Center Youth group reaches out to local, state, and out-of-state needs via work team projects.
Center Church Adult Members play a key role in the Together in Christ Building Team that provides to our community the building of handicapped ramps.
Our Pickin’ & Grinnin’ event each month always collects offerings for local non-profit agencies in our County (Hospice, various Food Banks, Alpha Pregnancy, etc.).
Threads of Love was organized at Center in October of 2014 as a Reaching out for God Ministry. The group’s mission is to help others through hands-on-projects within our community and throughout the world.
We have contributed to local hospitals, nursing home facilities, various organizations and centers. We send items for the children in the village where our mission team is assigned each January.
A few of our projects have been:
Lap quilts, Baby blankets, Pillow case dresses, Knitted toboggans, Adult bib, Fidget lap quilts, Christmas stockings, Pillowcases, Masks during Pandemic, Aprons.
The ladies of the church meet once a month to complete various sewing projects. Generally, we gather on the last Tuesday night of the month in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00. Bring your scissors, sewing machines and come join us! Even if you do not sew, there are various tasks to be completed.
Continue reading on our local missions

Local Missions, continued
Supporting our Local Community Food Needs
For several years, Center Church has assisted in reaching out to those who must have help in just meeting their daily food needs. Listed below are the ways we try to share:
⦿ Davidson County First Hope Ministries (formerly Crisis Ministries). The homeless shelter provides a place to sleep and a source of nourishment. Our church has provided a monthly meal, along with other organizations in the area. We also pledge monies from our mission budget and Pickin’ & Grinnin’ offerings.
⦿ Greater Things Outreach is a local food bank that Center supports with monthly donations of food and money.
⦿ Blessing Box is a recent addition to provide a drive-up source of canned food bank in our church parking lot.
⦿ Pastor’s Pantry is a local food bank that we also support with food donations.
Supporting Our Local Emotional Needs
⦿ GriefShare is a 13-week biblically based study for those who have lost a family member or loved one due to death. Here at Center Church we usually have one group that starts after Labor Day and another group that begins in January. We also offer “Surviving the Holidays” in November, which is a 2-hour program to help those grieving during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Our facilitator is Sylvia Upchurch and you can reach her at lakehousenana@gmail.com or 704-221-1370.
⦿ Our Lunch & Learn Ministry focuses on Bible study for our senior and single women of the church. We have lunch together and then have a group discussion on the book we are currently studying together. Our first study, "Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs was a great study and our Easter Study, "The Women of Easter" by Higgs was such a timely study of Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene. Our current study by Higgs, "Really Bad Girls of the Bible" is quite inspirational and thought provoking. Our next study will be a study of the Lord's Prayer by author Becky Harling.
Although our Lunch & Learn was designed for singles and seniors women, all women of our church and community are welcome. We meet in the fellowship hall every other Tuesday at 12:00 noon (check our church calendar under the Event section).